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The 2 Best Cosmetic Dental Procedures For Impatient Patients On A Budget

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Cosmetic dentistry can bridge the gap between restorative dentistry, to fix cracks and chips, and pure cosmetic changes, such as covering intrinsic dental stains or correcting an overly small or large tooth shape. Cosmetic procedures can become expensive and time consuming depending on the amount of work required. But there are also some cosmetic dentist offerings that can appeal to those with little time or money to spend on the process. Note here that both time frames and cost are subjective compared to other cosmetic dentistry procedures.

What are a couple of the best cosmetic dental procedures for impatient patients on a budget -- who also don't want to compromise quality?

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the more popular cosmetic dental options due to the effectiveness of the service. The whitening solutions you can get in the dentist's office are far stronger than over-the-counter products without being a safety risk for your dental health. A stronger solution also means shorter, less frequent whitening that is far more effective than self-applied whitening strips.

You can often receive the whitening results you desire in one visit. Cosmetic dentists also frequently offer teeth whitening discounts as a way to get potential new clients through the door. And if you already wear a night guard or use clear braces, your cosmetic dentist can incorporate ongoing whitening -- if needed -- into your existing mouth appliance.

Dental Bonding

Whitening only treats extrinsic stains on the enamel of your tooth. Intrinsic stains inside the enamel or on exposed areas of dentin is nearly impossible to remove. That's where dental bonds come in handy. Bonds can also correct minor cracks, chips, or shape issues with your tooth -- in a fast manner that's typically cheaper than veneers.

Bonding involves the dentist using a pliable composite resin material that can be pressed directly onto the surface of the affected tooth and then hand-shaped into the desired look. Excess resin is trimmed away and the remaining resin is hardened to form the new tooth front. The bond is held onto the tooth with a bio-cement that adheres thanks to some minor abrasions your dentist will have to create in the tooth's surface.

Bonds are much faster to apply than veneers, which require dental molds and laboratory crafting, and the resin material is cheaper than the porcelain used to make veneers. Bonds do have limitations, however, in that the resin isn't able to cover up substantial damage while also keeping chewing comfortable.

For cosmetic dentistry in your area, contact a facility such as TLC Dental Center.
