Rare Tooth Problems

Tips For Experiencing The Best Root Canal Recovery Possible

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If you are scheduled to have your first root canal, you may be nervous and wondering how much it is going to hurt. Thanks to modern dental techniques, having a root canal is no more painful than having a tooth filled. However, taking steps to limit your pain after your root canal is important and in your control. Follow these tips for experiencing the most successful recovery after a root canal.…

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4 Ways To Whiten Your Teeth

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If you are looking for ways to improve the color of your teeth, there are multiple applications available. Here are a few of them: Over-the-counter Whitening Over-the-counter whitening kits use a peroxide-based formula to bleach dental discoloration from the teeth. These whitening products are usually effective at removing light to medium dental stains that come from food, drinks or tobacco. The products may be applied as a gel or whitening solution and may require several weeks of use before a noticeable difference is scene.…

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5 Dental Issues That Can Be Corrected Using Veneers

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If you are thinking about transforming the appearance of your teeth, veneers can help. Veneers are cosmetic dental applications that include the bonding of thin shells of dental ceramic material or resin to the front the teeth. Each veneer conceals the underlying tooth to transform its appearance. Veneers can be used to correct multiple aesthetic dental issues. Here are a few of them: Discoloration Discoloration is often corrected using chemical dental bleaches.…

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