Rare Tooth Problems

Don't Make These Mistakes When You Use A Water Flosser

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A water flosser can be an effective tool in your quest to keep your dental health in tip-top shape. While this device can be a considerable investment, it may save you money in the long run, thanks to its ability to keep your teeth clean — and hopefully not in need of frequent dental procedures. It’s a good idea to consult with your dentist or your dental hygienist about using a water flosser, as well as carefully follow the instructions that come with the device.…

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Causes Of Irritated Puffy Gums And How To Fix Them

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Not all irritated and puffy gums are caused by plaque and gingivitis. In fact, there are a few other reasons why your gums may be puffy, red, or irritated. The good news is that a dentist can tell the difference, and you can treat most of these irritating conditions at home, quickly and easily. Stuck Food ​Chewing a tough steak, a crunchy apple with the skin, and popcorn all have the same problem.…

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Ways Implants Offer More Comfort Than Dentures

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If you have some teeth that are missing from your mouth, you could choose to replace them with dentures or with dental implants. These are the two most commonly used products to replace missing teeth, but you might want to choose implants if you are looking for the option that will offer the most comfort. Here are three ways implants offer more comfort than dentures, and these are important to know before you decide which option to use.…

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