Rare Tooth Problems

Four Dental Implant Myths You Need To Know The Truth About

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Anybody that is considering dental implants is going to do their research. Unfortunately, the world wide web can be filled with misinformation about the topic that can make you worried about having it done. Here is the truth behind four of those myths that you may have heard about. Myth 1: The Implant Surgical Procedure Is Very Complicated During the consultation for dental implants, the dentist explains to you how the surgical procedure will go.…

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Experiencing Pain Under Your Dental Crown? Know Why It's Happening

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Do you have a dental crown protecting one of your teeth, and it is now causing you a lot of pain?  If so, know that something could be happening underneath that crown.  Here are a few reasons behind that discomfort, and are a reason to visit a dentist to have the problem treated. Undiagnosed Condition A dental crown should be painless.  If anything, you’ll only experience some discomfort right after the dental crown is installed, but over time, there should not be any discomfort with how the crown feels.…

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Three Options For Missing Teeth Or Teeth That Cannot Be Saved

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If you have several teeth in your mouth that have broken, have decayed or have fallen out, then you are likely thinking about artificial teeth. There are three options you’ll want to consider. Which one is best for you will depend upon how many teeth you want to replace, how many teeth can be saved and how much money you want to spend. Implants Implants are the most intensive way to replace a tooth.…

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