Rare Tooth Problems

Easy Tips For Protecting Your Tooth Enamel

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Many things can be done to reduce the risk of damaging your tooth’s enamel, including avoiding eating certain foods and practicing good oral hygiene. Regular checkups can detect damage before it becomes a bigger problem. Here are some guidelines to help protect your tooth enamel. Use Fluoride Toothpaste As bacteria forms in the mouth and unites with sugar, acid is created. Fluoride protects and begins to strengthen the enamel already damaged. A dentist may also recommend a fluoride rinse for extreme cases.…

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2 Tips To Help Reduce Swelling Afer A Sinus Augmentation For Dental Implants

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In order for your dental implants to remain healthy after placement, they need to have a sufficient amount of bone. If you have lost teeth in your upper jaw, then you may have experienced some bone loss as well. The bone loss makes it difficult for your dental implants to be placed without eventually failing. As a result, your dentist will perform a sinus augmentation in order to place healthy bone in the area that the bone is needed.…

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While You Wait For A Mouthpiece, Use These Strategies To Reduce Your Sleep Apnea Symptoms

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If you’ve experienced the troubling symptoms of sleep apnea — including waking up suddenly and being short of breath — your first stop should be your family doctor. He or she, or a specialist, can then officially diagnose you as having sleep apnea and discuss treatment options with you. Some people opt to be hooked up to a breathing apparatus, but others find that this device can make sleep challenging. If you’re interested in another solution, ask to be referred to a dentist who specializes in sleep apnea.…

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