Rare Tooth Problems

Do You Have TMD? When To Consider Oral Surgery

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If you’ve noticed that your jaw clicks, locks, or causes pain and headaches, you could have a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is supposed to glide effortlessly like a hinge when you open and close your mouth. However, this joint can become displaced or inflamed and cause TMD. Read on to learn more about common causes, treatments, and when to consider surgery. What causes TMD? There are all sorts of things that can cause TMD.…

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4 Benefits Of Getting Dentures

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If you’re missing some or all of your teeth, you may want to consider obtaining dentures strongly. Doing this will allow you to enjoy many advantages in life. Of course, you’re likely to feel much better as a result of making the effort of replacing your teeth and knowing some other strengths of doing so may be helpful. Benefit #1: Eat healthier  Being able to enjoy the best foods for your body is one of the top advantages of choosing dentures.…

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Dental Implants And Micromovements

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Dental implants are complete replacements for teeth that have been either removed or knocked out of the jaw. Implants can be used in many cases, but you should understand that sometimes the implant procedure does not go exactly as planned. Micromovements are an issue. Keep reading to learn what this means and how the issue can be avoided. What Are Micromovements? Micromovements are slight movements of the dental implant root, and this can cause the poor integration of the root device.…

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