Rare Tooth Problems

Gum Grafts: What You Need To Know About This Dental Procedure

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Has your dentist told you that you need to get a gum graft due to your issues with periodontal disease, but you do not know much about it? Here are a few key things that you should know about gum grafts before you move forward with this dental procedure. Why Is A Gum Graft Needed? The reason for getting a gum graft is because your gums are missing healthy tissue. The procedure is going to involve moving healthy tissue from one part of your body to your gums where it really needs it.…

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FAQs About Cosmetic Dentistry

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How is cosmetic dentistry different from general dentistry? Even though all dentists are mouth health specialists, a cosmetic provider has a different skill level, different training, and offers some different services than a general practitioner. If you’re not sure which type of dentist will best meet your needs, take a look at the top cosmetic versus general dentistry questions. What Is A Cosmetic Dentist? This type of dental provider has extra training in cosmetic (appearance or aesthetic) procedures.…

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Signs You Need To Have Your Gums Treated

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Gum disease is a condition that you should never ignore. The condition can get out of hand pretty fast. That said, you must get gum disease treatment as early as possible. Once you get treatment, you won’t need to fret about tooth loss. Here are a few indicators that you need gum disease treatment. Constant Bad Breath In most cases, bad breath can be eliminated by brushing or flossing often. Alternatively, you can pay for a professional dental cleaning service.…

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