Rare Tooth Problems

Thinking About Dental Implants? Consider These 5 Benefits

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Cosmetic dentistry is a great solution to fix aesthetic problems you are experiencing with your teeth. For those that are missing teeth, you have a couple options available to you. While partial dentures and bridges are simple ways to hide that gap, you may be thinking about getting dental implants instead. Before you decide, it is important to understand what a dental implant is and several benefits of having one.…

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11 Tips For Reducing Your Child's Braces Pain Without Medication

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Traditional and invisible braces can both be uncomfortable and painful, especially in the first few months of wear, and after they are tightened or your child switch’s to a new set of trays. You can always offer over the counter pain relievers, however many parents wish to try alternative or natural pain relief methods. Many of these tips are similar to what parents can do to alleviate teething pain. They may not completely alleviate your child’s braces pain, but can make it more manageable.…

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The Best Sedation Technique For Dental Patients Who Use A Sleep Apnea Device

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If you use an appliance for sleep apnea to assist your breathing at night, you are not alone. It is estimated that 2%-4% of older adults are afflicted with medical condition. Risk factors for sleep apnea include weight, race, sex, substance and alcohol use, and smoking. This can complicate procedures in which a patient needs to be sedated, including dental procedures. This may prevent some patients from getting critical dental care, but this does not need to be the case.…

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